

A nearly thornless tree or large shrub, this Texas native is one of the legume family. Unless in a frosty area, this tree will keep its feathery leaves all year and produce lovely cream or yellow dense flowers in the spring. Being a legume, its leaves are similar in form to the mesquites but guajillo’s leaves are longer, wider and more tightly packed. It is used to growing in loose gravelly soil on hillsides, so guajillo doesn’t need any extra fertilizer or a ton of water. It is used to the Chihuahuan desert climate.

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Tree Stats
Native No, Texas native
Type Evergreen
Growth Rate Mod
Hardiness 15°F
Water Low
Mature Size H: 10 to 15 ft W: 8 to 12 ft
Thorns nearly thornless
Flower Color/Season white to yellow/Spring
Litter Low
Allergenic Low, but can be toxic to livestock
Multi Trunk? Yes
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