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Saturday, April 8, 2023



Household Hazardous Waste Collection

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Have any common household or automotive products that you need to get rid of? Dispose of them at the upcoming monthly drop off with City of Tucson Enviromental Services! Drop off your waste at the East side City Hall from 8am until noon. Common household and automotive products are harmful to the environment when disposed of improperly. Unused household hazardous waste should never be poured down the drain, put into the trash, or stored for excessive periods of time. Through the HHW Program, residents can drop off their materials and they will be safely recycled, reused, or disposed of properly. Every year thousands of Tucsonans are doing their part to keep Tucson clean and safe – you can too! The Tucson  HHW service is available to all residents and fees are determined by residency. To find more information on the Household Hazardous Waste Program and other drop off events, please visit  

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