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Saturday, December 11, 2021



Household Hazardous Waste Collection

More Info

Next Household Hazardous Waste/Shredding event is Saturday, December 11th at Hi Corbett – 700 S Randolph Way.
Residents can drop off Household Hazardous Waste (HHW), electronic waste (E-waste), paper documents for shredding (limit 3 boxes), and glass bottles and jars at no charge.
Here is the rest of the schedule for 2021:
· Dec. 11 – Hi Corbett – 700 S Randolph Way
City residents can also drop off HHW at the Los Reales Landfill at 5300 E. Los Reales Road — on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Address verification is required to be eligible to drop off materials. It is free for City of Tucson residents to drop off materials. Residents from Marana, Oro Valley, Sahuarita, and unincorporated Pima County will be charged a $10 fee to drop off materials.
HHW home pick-up is suspended due to COVID-19.
Please check the list of what the HHW program accepts before dropping items off. Medical waste, such as sharps, syringes, or old medications is not allowed. Do not bring business or commercial waste, commercial gas cylinders, explosives or ammunition, infectious and radioactive waste, dried paint, or CRT monitors.
For more information on the HHW program, visit the main webpage.

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