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Hedrick Acres & Navajo Wash clean up

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The Hedrick Acres and Navajo Wash Cleanup Saturday October 30 from 9a-11a. DONUTS AND COFFEE WILL BE PROVIDED! Please bring your own reusable mug/cup for coffee. Together, we will pick up trash, cleanup the park, make new friends, and contribute to the maintenance of Navajo Wash. Lend your hand in keeping Navajo Wash a safe and healthy place for all to enjoy while meeting your Hedrick Acres neighbors! Bags for trash pick-up will be provided. Please wear closed-toed shoes, sun protection, and bring water. Masks are required for non-vaccinated participants. All ages welcome! Navajo Wash is located at the north west corner of N. Mountain Ave. and E. Hedrick Dr. Parking is available in the lot off of E. Hedrick Dr. The lot is also accessible via Fort Lowell (at the end of E. Navajo Dr). For more information email: [email protected] Hope to see you there!

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